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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

Calling Ken Bonfield a guitarist is a bit like calling Michelangelo a painter...

Cape Ann Beacon


Ken Bonfield knocks me out. He plays with the two main ingredients I look for in a player; heart and passion. He's a player's player, and I'm a die hard fan. 

 John Beland, Flying Burrito Bros.


Many guitarists promise, Ken Bonfield delivers.

Dirty Linen


"Bonfield's music always evokes strong emotions and vivid images…(he) may be the best acoustic guitarist recording today. "

Bill Binkelman, Wind and Wire

U P C O M I N G   C O N C E R T S

I am very excited to announce my return to the stage this spring. And I'll be playing steel string guitar live for the first time since December 2017.


Magnolia Library Porchfest

May 25, 4-6pm

Artistry of the Guitar with friends

Oakes Ave

Magnolia, MA


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me for over 30 years. I am humbled, and so grateful to play for you again. 


Please enjoy my recorded music on one of the streaming platforms listed

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